Korn, kraft, klima

  • Client:Svein Sundsbø
  • Year:2018
  • Type:Book design
  • Author:Svein Sundsbø
  • Publisher:Alm Media
  • Photo:Sølve Sundsbø
  • Retouching:Postproduksjon
  • Company:Studio Levi Bergqvist

Looking back to go forward

Former Minister of Agriculture, Svein Sundsbø, gives a personal account of 200 years of agricultural and industrial history in Norway in the book Korn, kraft, klima. Part one follows the Sundsbø family from the beginning of the 1800s. Part two details the author’s timeline. Today’s climate challenges are looked at in context of personal and historical events, such as the first Norwegian hydropower plant and electric cars in the late 60s.

The layout reflects the structure and the theme of the book by placing the copy to the left in part one, and to the right in part two, thus suggesting a before and after. In the concluding chapter the copy is centred.

The horizon on the cover represents both the past and the future, and works as a floating timeline for the typography. The photo is taken by Sølve Sundsbø, Svein’s son, the next generation in a book about generations.